2022 Arts & Crafts Emporium
Vendor Handbook & Agreement
This is the 43rd Annual Arts & Crafts Emporium
Saturday, November 19, 2022 – 10am to 6pm
Sunday, November 20, 2022 – 11am to 5pm
held at the Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center
Idlughet [Eklutna] Exhibit Hall
Proudly Owned and Operated By:
Alaska Markets & Events, Inc.
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Facebook: @AnchorageMarkets
Vendor Handbook & Agreement
Arts & Crafts Emporium Manager “ACE Manager “ requires each Vendor read and understand all items in this Handbook & Agreement, as well as the Vendor’s Online Registration to eliminate, as much as possible, any misunderstandings or conflicts. It is recommended that these documents be brought to the show and referred to should a question or disagreement arise.
Mission Statement
Arts & Crafts Emporium “ ACE “ strives to provide the Anchorage community and its visitors with a winter holiday show featuring a large variety of Alaska-made arts and crafts, sold by their creators, thereby enhancing the quality of life of Anchorage residents, visitors and Vendors; to provide Vendors with a low cost, premier location that affords Vendors an opportunity to showcase and display their products to a broad base of consumers and potential customers; and add to the vitality of downtown Anchorage.
Code of Ethics
ACE and its organizers are committed to providing a show that is free of discrimination and unlawful harassment. Actions, words, jokes or comments of Vendors, their agents, servants, employees, invitees, guests, or customers based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. It is the policy of the ACE to comply with the letter and the spirit and intent of Federal Equal Employment Opportunities laws and rules and other similar state and municipal laws and rules. Vendors observing or having knowledge of illegal incidents or practices, or violations of this policy are encouraged to immediately report such incidents to the ACE Manager.
ACE Manager
Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. “AMEI “ owns and operates the Arts & Crafts Emporium. Throughout this Handbook, reference is made to the ACE Manager and this reference shall mean AMEI and its authorized or designated representatives.
The ACE Manager has complete authority to interpret and implement policy, Vendor Online Registration Agreement and this Handbook at the ACE site, and to act on any breach or violation of any of these items. Vendor agrees to abide by decisions of the ACE Manager that are not specifically addressed in the Vendor Online Registration Agreement or this Handbook.
For purposes of the Registration Agreement and this Handbook Agreement, the term “Vendor” is defined as the person or persons named on the completed Registration Agreement. Throughout this Handbook, reference is made to the Vendor and this reference shall mean the person or persons named on the completed Registration Agreement.
Policies and Vendor Criteria
ACE Manager has complete authority to interpret and implement policy, the Online Registration Agreement and this Handbook at the ACE site, and to act on any breach or violation of any of these items. Vendor agrees to abide by the decisions of ACE Manager concerning all matters pertaining to the administration and success of the ACE, including interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Vendor agrees to abide by decisions of ACE Manager that are not specifically addressed in Vendor’s Registration Agreement or this Handbook. Vendors and others are encouraged to provide written suggestions for improvement and for consideration by the ACE Manager.
Vendor’s Registration Agreement for booth space is between the single Vendor named on the Agreement and the ACE Manager. Requests for changes in the named Vendor must be submitted, in writing, for approval by the ACE Manager. All uses of ACE premises shall be consistent with the ACE mission and the intended atmosphere and use. The ACE Manager intends to prevent the display or sale of illegal drugs, alcohol, illegal drug paraphernalia, firearms, BB guns, air guns, paintball guns, paintball supplies, fireworks, poppers, stink bombs and lethal martial arts items, as well as materials depicting or presenting the following to the casual passer-by: violence, inebriation, boisterous behavior, nudity, obscenity, pornography, or any violations of law. It is the policy of the ACE that no Vendor will offer for sale any item that would be deemed inappropriate for sale to an eight-year-old child, except age restricted items sold to persons of legal age. Sale of knives, swords, or non-lethal martial arts weapons to persons under the age of 18 is prohibited. Vendors selling age restricted items must prominently display, in their booths, a sign indicating that sales to persons under the legal age (list age) is prohibited. The ACE intends to encourage use by all members of the family; actions, products, displays, language, and dress must all be compatible with this intent. The ACE Manager will be sole judge of the appropriateness of these items and Vendors agree to cooperate in immediately removing from display or for sale any item deemed inappropriate. All items for sale must be new merchandise.
All goods sold at the ACE must be substantially handcrafted or manufactured by a person residing in the State of Alaska. No imports may be sold.
Definition of handcrafted or manufactured as used in the ACE means:
Crafter/artist must have originated the product and seen it through to its completion. Additionally, the product can only be sold with their permission. Buying component parts for your product is acceptable as long as the components are substantially changed (merely touching something up with a dab of glue does not make it hand crafted.) The “creativity” of an item, i.e. the idea or inspiration for the item, does not qualify the product for sale in the ACE, if the item is not produced in the state of Alaska by an Alaska resident. Books written and illustrated by Alaskan authors and illustrators but printed Outside will be allowed for sale in the ACE.
Beginning with the 2011 ACE, we will no longer allow mass produced items to be sold in the ACE. Jewelry must include some major component that was crafted by the booth Lessor or their immediate family. Merely adding beads or pendants that are made Outside to a wire or string that was also made outside of Alaska will not qualify the product to be sold at ACE.
By completion of the 2022 ACE Registration Agreement, Vendor certifies that they will be in compliance with the above condition of the Agreement. Distributors may sell other crafters or artist’s products as long as the items and maker meet all ACE rules and standards. No petitions or other political actions are allowed. This show is for the sale of Alaskan-made merchandise only and local services that make appropriate gifts, e.g. ski passes, facials, etc. ACE Manager is the sole judge as to whether or not a product is eligible to be sold in the show.
Rental Charges
The ACE Manager each year shall establish and make known to Vendors the rental charges applicable to that year. Rental fees will vary due to various booth sizes and location, e.g. premium spaces, etc. Sixty percent (60%) or more of the total rental amount is due with submittal of the Registration Agreement. The balance owed is due 60 days prior to the event (September 16, 2022). If Vendor has not made final payment by the stated due date of 09/16/2022 then a $100 late payment penalty will be assessed for late payment to cover cost of collection, interest, postage, etc. This late payment penalty will be reassessed every 30 days beyond the initial due date. If payment is not made within 60 days of the original invoice due date, the amount owed will be sent to collections and any space reservations will be forfeited. Vendor agrees to pay any and all fees associated collection and administrative as well as fees associated with the collection of any outstanding debt paid to the debt collection agency.
Returned Payment Fee
Beginning in 2019, the ACE Manager no longer accepts check payments.
If the Vendor’s financial institution for any reason returns a Vendor’s payment, a fee of $45.00 will be assessed and added to Vendor’s invoice. This fee and the amount of the returned payment must be paid in cash, money order or certified check to the ACE Manager within five days and prior to Vendor’s entry to the ACE.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
All sales are FINAL, no refunds are provided for any reason.
Vendor requested cancelation: If a Vendor business requests to cancel their reserved space for any reason, the vendor business forfeits all pre-paid funds and rights to the reserved space. The remaining balance of the Vendor Agreement and Invoice remains due as per the terms of the Vendor Agreement.
Space reservation fee’s may not be reallocated to another event.
The cancelling Vendor has no right to the booth and may not sublease it or obligate it to another party. In the event Vendor fails to occupy reserved space in the Dena’ina Center prior to 5:00PM on Friday, November 18, 2022, or make known, in writing, their intention to move in on Saturday morning, November 19, 2022, they shall forfeit their right to the space; all prepaid rents will be retained by show management and the ACE Manager will re-assign the space to another Vendor. All Vendors who cancel their booth space without notifying the CV Manager at least 7 days in advance and all Vendors that choose not to participate after completing the Online Registration Agreement, without notifying the CV Manager are assessed an additional $100 fee in addition to their space rental fee.
Event Cancelation and/or Postponement: Force Majeure
ACE Manager shall not be liable for any damage or expense incurred by Vendor in the event the ACE is delayed, interrupted, moved or not held as scheduled. If, for any reason beyond the control of the ACE Manager, the ACE is not held, the ACE Manager will retain so much of the amount paid by Vendors as necessary to defray expenses already incurred by the ACE Manager. Any amount not retained by the ACE Manager will be credited back to the Vendors account with Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. and can be used towards a future event with Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. within the same calendar year.
No refunds of paid funds will be offered for any reason.
Sharing and Subleasing Booths
Vendors may share their space with another Vendor only after being approved by ACE Manager. However, the person sharing Vendor’s space will have no rights in terms of future shows, and the registered Vendor is responsible for ensuring Vendor’s compliance with ACE policies and procedures, outlined in this Handbook and the Registration Agreement. Vendors sharing a space must make known a minimum of fourteen days in advance of first show date (November 4, 2022), in writing, to ACE Manager, sharing Vendor’s name, contact information and product description. All spaces must be occupied during show hours by the registered Vendor of the booth. Vendors who close their space early or decide to leave for any reason without first speaking directly with and receiving written authorization from ACE Manager will be assessed a $100 penalty fee per occurrence and per day. Subleasing is not allowed.
Procedures for Booth Assignment
Booths are assigned in the order they are requested during completion of the Registration Agreement. 2021 Vendors, defined as a Vendor named in a 2021 Registration Agreement who fully performed the terms of the Registration Agreement for the 2021 season, may sign up for the 2022 ACE commencing immediately upon release of the 2022 ACE Handbook, and activation of Vendor Registration map on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. Registration must be completed by the established deadline by going to https://shows.map-dynamics.com/ACE2022/?register.
• Fully executed 2022 Registration Agreement.
• Online Registration indicating choice of booths and/or booth requirements.
• 60% of booth rental and Fees. (Remaining balance is due no later than Friday, September 16, 2022.)
For 2021 Vendors to be given preference (grandfather rights) in the assignment of 2022 spaces, Registration must be submitted to Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. (using the above procedure), or completed Online by 4:00PM AST on Monday, August 29, 2022. Vendors who fail to complete Registration and submit payment, in, on or before the deadline will be able to register in any remaining booths or on the Vendor waitlist, should one become necessary, in a first-come-first-served order. Vendors are responsible for ensuring the ACE Manager has a record of their current address, email address and telephone number.
Booth assignments are requests only and the ACE Manager reserves the right to relocate a vendor in the event that the ACE layout plan changes.
ACE Manager will maintain a waitlist for Vendors desiring space in the show who have not previously been assigned a space in the show. Waitlist will be refreshed annually; Vendors must re-register each year. Vendors on the waitlist will be contacted as space becomes available, including the day of the show’s opening. Vendors desiring to be on this waitlist should fill out the form on our website and must register through the Online Registration map.
Food Vendors (defined as a Vendor selling food/beverage items intended for consumption on site at the ACE) will be granted exclusives for selected products that are approved, in writing, 30 days prior to the event, by the ACE Manager. Food Vendors are the only Vendors who may sell food or beverages for consumption on site.
Our Online Registration map allows potential Vendors to view available spaces as well as see which Vendors have already registered.
We have established rates for booths in the Dena’ina Center based on 10’ x 10’ booths (Booth 1051 is 9’ 6” wide and is considered premium). Rates are as follows:
First booth by one Vendor $500.00
Second (++) adjoining booth by same Vendor $425.00
Premium booth fee per premium booth $100.00
Double booth with post (2 available) $750.00
Local Nonprofit Organizations $275.00
Additional Dena’ina Center food booth charge $125.00
Nonprofit organizations serving Anchorage area clientele may be given a free table or booth on a space available basis up to one week prior to show date upon presentation of a copy of their IRS 501(c)(3) letter verifying their nonprofit status or they may reserve a booth in advance and receive the non-profit rate shown above.
Booths and Furnishings
Each Vendor must confine their selling activities, merchandise, equipment, and supplies to their reserved booth area. Soliciting or sitting outside of your booth area will not be permitted or tolerated. Sound and scent emitting devices that can be heard or smelled outside of a booth area are not permitted.
Show Decorator
The show decorator is Alaska Events Services; phone 907.345.8789. Vendors can bring their own tables or rent tables in advance or at show from AMEI or the show decorator. Special equipment, table covers, and other items, including 30amp electrical service, may be available at extra cost from show decorator. Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center’s Exhibit Hall is not carpeted. Vendors desiring carpeting in their booths must either provide it themselves or order from show decorator.
Vendors may rent electrical service for their booth from the show decorator; however, there are no guarantees that all demands for electrical service will be met. Food booths will be a priority for electrical use. Vendors using the electrical outlet must use an approved electrical surge protector to power any items.
Should a Vendor find the need or preference to use another decorator for their booth, they must accompany the decorator when setting up or tearing down the booth and Vendor is fully responsible for the actions of their selected decorator.
If AMEI has sold more than 200 Vendor spaces or if the combined Vendors have reserved more than 200 total spaces at the ACE, AMEI will then provide electrical service to every reserved vendor space at no additional cost to the Vendor.
Product Delivery
Vendors having products delivered should coordinate with show decorator and/or Lynden
CONVENTION CENTER AS IT WILL BE REFUSED. For Lynden Expo Services call (877) 856-9696 or (907) 243-6150.
Damages to Reserved Space
Vendor is entirely responsible for their reserved space and shall not injure, mar, or deface the premises. Vendor shall not drive nor permit to be driven any nails, tacks or screws in any part of any building. Vendor shall not affix to the walls or windows of building any advertisement, sign or other item or use Scotch tape, masking tape or any other adhesive type materials on painted surfaces or the floor. Vendor agrees to reimburse the ACE Manager for any loss or damage including payroll costs, to the premises or equipment caused by the Vendor. Vendors should bring or rent self-supporting backdrops from show decorator if that is what is needed for proper display.
ACE Manager reserves the right to restrict or remove exhibits, without refund, that may have been falsely entered or may be deemed by the management unsuitable or objectionable. This restriction applies to imported items in booth, noise, PA systems, persons, animals, birds, things, conduct, printed matter, or anything of a character that might be objectionable to ACE Manager, in the sole opinion of ACE Manager. Vendor’s children must be supervised at all times. No animals of any kind are allowed in the ACE.
The aisles, passageways and overhead spaces remain strictly under the control of ACE Manager; no signs, decorations, banners, advertising matter or special exhibits will be permitted in these areas, except by special permission in writing by the ACE Manager. Vendors’ chairs should remain entirely within their booth and their sales efforts must be made within the confines of their booth rather than the aisle.
Neither the ACE Manager, Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center, Anchorage Convention and Visitors Bureau, Municipality of Anchorage, any subcontractors, nor their representatives, nor any member of the above named will be responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to the Vendor or the Vendor’s employees or property from any cause whatsoever. The Vendor, upon booth Reservation and payment, expressly releases the aforementioned from any and all claims for such loss, damage or injury.
Force Majeure
ACE Manager shall not be liable for any damage or expense incurred by Vendor in the event the ACE is delayed, interrupted, relocated, or not held as scheduled. If, for any reason beyond the control of ACE Manager, the ACE is not held then the ACE Manager will retain so much of the amount paid by Vendors as necessary to defray expenses already incurred by the ACE Manager. Any amount not retained by the ACE Manager will be credited back to the Vendors account with Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. and can be used towards a future holiday event with Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. within the same calendar year.
No refunds of paid funds will be offered for any reason.
Food and Beverages
ACE may have up to six (6) food booths selling food for consumption on premises. Items to be sold must be approved by ACE Manager in writing. Only electric equipment approved by Anchorage Fire Department may be used indoors. No open flames are allowed. All drapes, signs, decorations, and equipment must be noncombustible and indicate this on the product tags. A properly tagged with current annual inspection tag, 5LB or larger ABC fire extinguisher must be in each food booth using heat of any kind. Food Vendors must obtain a proper permit from the MOA Health Department.
Non-food Vendors may not give away or sell any beverages or food items for consumption on premises in excess of 1oz.
The Dena’ina Center charges a food fee of $250; Food Vendors and ACE Manager will each be responsible for 50% of this fee, Food Vendors will also be responsible for booth cost and premium space fee (if applicable). All food booths, when possible, will be end spaces to avoid blocking of the aisle by customer lines. Vendors desiring to sell food for consumption at the show should contact the ACE Manager to obtain procedures to apply for a food booth. Vendors selling packaged food items to go, e.g. jams, jellies, candies, chips, etc. must obtain appropriate permit from the MOA Health Department and display that permit in their booth or be told by the MOA Health Department that a permit is not necessary and provide that information, in writing, to ACE Manager.
Fire Safety
ALL BOOTHS and decorations MUST comply with facility regulations, city ordinances and local fire codes. Any violations may result in the removal of any materials found to be in violation. Materials for booth decorations and construction must be noncombustible. No open flame is allowed. Contact the Anchorage Fire Department if at all in doubt.
Exhibit booths shall be constructed of noncombustible materials. Pipe and drape and decorative draping shall be of noncombustible materials. No booth will have any part of its roof covered with solid materials so as to impede sprinkler system functions. Use of wire or material mesh is acceptable. Every Vendor must provide a properly tagged, current and easily accessible fire extinguisher for their booth space, and a person knowledgeable in its proper use.
Move In – Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center
Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center 9:00AM to 5:00PM Friday, November 18, 2022, and 7:00AM to 9:00AM, Saturday, November 19, 2022, are times allotted for move in. Vendors will each be assigned an electronic “vehicle/check-in pass” that indicates the time range on Friday that the Vendor may use the drive-through door of the Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center to unload their product. Please show our staff associate your “vehicle/check-in pass” on your phone/tablet. This will constitute “check-in”. ACE Manager will provide a more detailed move-in and move-out plan within seven (7) days of the event.
No parked or abandoned vehicles are allowed adjacent to the Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center at any time. Any unattended vehicle that is not being actively unloaded will be towed without notice. ACE Manager will have a limited number of assistants and carts available to assist in unloading activities but makes no guarantee as to the availability for any specific Vendor or any given time. No move in or move out through the Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center’s lobby is allowed at any time.
Vendors located in the Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center must deliver to ACE Manager their check-in pass, as discussed above, prior to 5:00PM on Friday, November 18, 2022, indicating that Vendor is present, and their booth is occupied. Failure to timely check in by 5:00PM may result in Vendor’s booth being assigned to another Vendor.
If Vendor is not able to check in by 5:00PM Friday, or is planning on loading in Saturday morning, they MUST email info@anchoragemarkets.com so the reserved space can be held.
Move Out – Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center
Tear down and move out will begin at 5:01PM on Sunday, November 20, 2022, and must be completed no later than 8:00PM that day. Move out will not commence in any way until the show is closed at 5:01PM. Vendors may not begin tear down activities prior to the close of the show at 5:01PM Sunday, November 20, 2022 for any reason. Vendors who close their booth prior to 5:01PM on Sunday, November 20, 2022 or decide to leave for any reason without first speaking directly with and receiving written authorization from the ACE Manager will be assessed a $100.00 penalty fee, this fee must be paid no later than Sunday, December 4, 2022.
ACE Manager will ensure that security guards are on duty at all times during event open hours but can make no guarantee that theft or damages will not occur. Items of high value should be removed from Vendor’s booth and taken off premises Saturday night by Vendor. ACE Manager, its agents, servants, employees or contractors including the Dena’ina Center shall not be responsible for any Vendor losses or damages to equipment or merchandise due to fire, theft, vandalism or for any other reason including “mysterious disappearances”. We recommend all Vendors contact their insurance agents to confirm proper coverage of exhibit materials. (Please read carefully the coverage provided by decorators and shipping companies to determine if additional coverage is necessary). Any additional security must be arranged by the Vendor at their own expense, directly from the facility. The facility will be locked when the event is closed each night and some security measures will be taken.
Lost and Found
Any found items, lost children or parents who have lost their child should be taken to the ACE Manager’s office. Immediately upon our knowledge that the child is lost, a description of the lost child will be broadcast. Vendors should immediately look around their booth area to see if the lost child is in their area. Report lost children immediately by calling 907.272.5634 or telling a security employee.
Vendors by doors or exits should be especially observant of any children of the lost child’s description being taken from the building.
Lost credit cards should be reported or text to the show office at 907.272.5634. We will announce the person’s name over the public-address system and ask that they return to the booth to retrieve an item of value left there. Vendor remains responsible for the lost card.
Licenses and Permits
Any and all city, municipal, state and federal licenses, inspections or permits as required by law of any Vendor in the installation or operation of their display, shall be obtained by the Vendor at their own expense prior to the opening of the show.
ADA Compliance Clause
Vendor shall comply with the applicable requirements of all laws, ordinances, and regulations of federal, state, county, and municipal authorities. Vendor is also responsible for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which became effective January 26, 1992, as it relates to the show, performances, and services to be provided in relation to the show for individuals with disabilities.
No smoking, to include marijuana and the use of E-Cigs, is allowed at any time in the Dena’ina Center.
Advertising and Promotion
ACE Manager will devise and implement an advertising and promotion campaign to ensure attendance at the ACE. Vendors are required to assist in this effort for mutual benefit by sharing the ACE social media posts and poster to Vendor’s social media platforms.
Vendors are encouraged to donate a door prize to be given away by drawing every hour, dependent on number of prizes donated. Prizes should be of a minimum $25 retail value. Prize donor’s booth and company name will be announced, and winner will pick up prizes at donor’s booth. Vendors and persons working in their booth are not eligible to enter or to win a door prize. ACE Manager will provide an electronic copy of the ACE promotion.
Release and Agreement Not to Sue
Vendor releases and forever discharges Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. the ACE Manager, its agents, servants, employees and contractors and their successors in interest (hereinafter collectively referred to as “release”) from all actions, suits, claims, demands and damages of every kind and nature, including but not limited to those beyond the inherent risk of an indoor market, whether special, incidental, consequential or otherwise, mature or to mature in the future, arising out of or in any way connected with the relationship created by the Vendor Registration Agreement between Vendor and Alaska Markets & Events, Inc., Vendor’s occupancy and/or use of the ACE area or any portion thereof, or any acts, omissions, faults or negligence of release.
Vendor agrees not to sue the release for any of the matters release above. In the event Vendor breaches this agreement not to sue, release shall be entitled to recover their actual reasonable attorney’s fees and costs in defending against any action brought by Vendor.
ACE supports our local nonprofit charities and congratulates them for all the good works they do in our community. Games of chance are often used by nonprofit groups to raise their much needed funds. Within limits, the ACE will work with the nonprofit groups to make their raffles, auctions, lotteries, and other efforts successful.
Certain forms of gaming and/or partnerships are not allowed at ACE, namely, pull-tabs in any form, raffles or lotteries or other games of chance that involve an “operator”, “fund raiser” or “consultant” who shares in the receipts or profits from ticket sales. Only games that are in every respect operated by the nonprofit’s staff and volunteers will be allowed in the ACE. All gaming activities must be in accordance with federal, state, and local laws.
2022 Important Dates
Monday, August 29, 2022 Deadline for Grandfather Rights & Refunds
Friday, September 16, 2022 Remaining balance of lease amount due
Friday, November 4, 2022 Notice of shared booth deadline – 4PM
Friday, November 18, 2022 Move-in and Set-up – 9AM to 5PM
Check-in required by 5pm
Saturday, November 19, 2022 Move-in and Set-up – 7AM to 9AM
ACE – 10AM to 6PM
Sunday, November 20, 2022 Vendor Restocking – 10AM to 11AM
ACE – 11AM to 5PM
Move out – 5:01PM to 8PM