Please use the form at the bottom of this page to create your
Personalized Vendor Entry Pass
Vendor Entry Pass Information
*NOTE: Vehicle entry ends at 12pm! Please refer to the unload times on your entry pass for more information.
Please show your Vendor Entry/Check-In Pass to a staff member or check-in at the show office. Vendors who have not checked in or contacted us prior to 12:00PM on Friday, November 19, 2021 shall forfeit their right to their booth and the Christmas Arts & Crafts Emporium Manager will reassign the booth to a vendor on the wait-list.
If you’re going to be late or are planning on arriving Saturday morning, please text or call the show office at 907.272.5634. Please include your company name with any text messages. Thanks!
Ensure a copy of your vendor entry/check-in pass is provided to anyone with your company, who will be driving in and/or working in your booth with you.
Do not park in the roadway or block any traffic lanes for any reason.
This is not only unsafe but it is also illegal and you will receive a citation from A.P.D.!
Please stage your vehicles in the holding areas shown on the map above.
As soon as your vehicle is unloaded, please move it from the unloading area. Please don’t make us call you over the intercom- it’s embarrassing and our voices are kind of mono-toned!
Do not park in the roadway or block any traffic lanes for any reason. This is not only unsafe but it is also illegal and you will receive a citation from A.P.D.!
Thank You for your cooperation.
Can’t make it during your scheduled Vendor Entry and Check-In time? We have an open unload time for your convenience!
If your assigned time does not work for you, plan on carting in your merchandise and equipment on Friday. Most vendors can still drive in, but only until 4PM.
Saturday, November 20 from 7:00AM-9:00AM*
*Vendors may NOT drive into the building to unload at this time. They must unload outside and enter the building through the back doors, on 8th Avenue. Limited Happy Helper assistance will be available until 9:00AM.
Enter your information here!
[contact-form-7 id=”2340″ title=”ACE_VEP”]