Anchorage Market Vendor Handbook

Anchorage Market Mission Statement

Anchorage Market strives to provide the Anchorage community and its visitors with a summer weekly market featuring a variety of Alaskan arts and crafts, food and imports at reasonable prices; enhance the quality of life of Anchorage residents, visitors and Vendors; and enhance the reputation of Anchorage by creating an atmosphere of an outdoor Market, designed for the enjoyment of adults and children of all ages (“the intended atmosphere and use”); to provide Vendors with a competitively priced, premier location that affords them an opportunity to showcase and display their products to a broad base of consumers and potential consumers, both local and afar.

This mission statement (The “Anchorage Market mission”) and the intended atmosphere and use are the primary purposes of Anchorage Market. In the interest of the Market and its participants, any other purpose, advantage, or benefit is secondary and is subordinate to the primary purposes.

Note: The Anchorage Market regular season consists of the 18 consecutive weekends beginning on Saturday, May 10, 2025, and ending on Sunday, September 07 2025.

Code of Ethics

Anchorage Market and its organizers are committed to providing a Market that is free of discrimination and unlawful harassment. Actions, words, jokes or comments of Vendors, their agents, servants, employees, invitees, guests, or customers based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, disability or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. It is the policy of the Anchorage Market to comply with the letter and the spirit and intent of Federal Equal Employment Opportunity laws and rules and other similar state and municipal laws and rules. Vendors observing or having knowledge of illegal incidents or practices or violations of this policy are encouraged to immediately report such incidents to the Anchorage Market Manager.

Anchorage Market Manager

Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. operates the Anchorage Market. Throughout this Handbook, reference is made to the Anchorage Market Manager and this reference shall mean Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. “AMEI” and its authorized or designated representatives.

Alaska Markets & Events, Inc
Website: Click HERE
Text: 907.272.5634
E-mail: Click HERE
Anchorage, Alaska

Market Policies

AMEI has complete authority to interpret and implement policy, the Vendor Contract and this Handbook at the Anchorage Market location, and to act on any breach or violation of any of these items. Vendors, merchants, and others are encouraged to provide the Anchorage Market Manager with written suggestions for improvement and for consideration of the Anchorage Market Manager.

All participants of the Anchorage Market will behave toward Anchorage Market customers, fellow Vendors, staff and volunteers in a professional manner that fosters a sense of Market community and camaraderie, a spirit of cooperative involvement and that promotes the Market to the community that it serves. At no time shall any Vendor or Vendor staff or volunteer raise their voice or talk down to any person in the Market area.

The Anchorage Market is designed to project a family friendly atmosphere where people can come together to buy and sell merchandise. Accordingly, fees are collected from Vendors to conduct the operations of the Anchorage Market. It is not intended that individuals, without paying for the Contracted space, may come into the Market for the purpose to sell, display or distribution of products, services, promotions or materials without signing the Vendor Contract and being subject to the rules therein set forth. Individuals attempting to do so without signing the Vendor Contract and paying the required fees are obligated to cease such activity immediately; if they continue to do so, they will be ejected and/or arrested as trespassers and will be subject to criminal proceedings for theft of services.

This policy may be relaxed for entertainers, at the option of AMEI, in its sole discretion, when Anchorage Market quality and atmosphere can be enhanced thereby, and the intended use of the Anchorage Market protected.

Due to the nature of Anchorage Market and its intended atmosphere and use, Vendors specifically agree to the following restrictions, limitations, and policies on the use of the Contracted space, which shall be strictly construed in favor of AMEI and in accordance with AMEI’s interpretation of these restrictions, limitations and policies.

It is the responsibility of Vendors to fully understand and fully inform their agents, servants, employees, invitees, guests and customers of the policies, terms, conditions, traffic patterns, rules and regulations set forth in this Handbook, in the Vendor’s Contract and to ensure compliance with the same. AMEI may issue written additions and addenda to these policies, terms, conditions, rules and regulations and they shall become part of this Handbook.

All uses of Anchorage Market premises shall be consistent with the Anchorage Market mission and the intended atmosphere and use. AMEI intends to prevent the display or sale of illegal drugs, illegal drug paraphernalia, firearms, BB guns, air guns, paintball guns, paintball supplies, fireworks, poppers, stink bombs, lethal martial arts items, materials depicting or presenting to the casual passer-by, violence, inebriation, boisterous behavior, nudity, obscenity, pornography, or any other violations of law. The Anchorage Market is intended to encourage use by all members of the family and actions, products, displays, language, and dress must all be compatible with this intent. AMEI will be sole judge of the appropriateness of these items and Vendor agrees to cooperate in immediately removing from display or for sale any item deemed inappropriate. Sale of knives, swords or lethal martial arts weapons to persons under the age of 18 is prohibited, and Vendors selling these items must prominently display, in their contracted space, a sign indicating that sales to persons under the age of 18 are prohibited.

Important Links

Alaska Business License: CLICK HERE
MOA Health Department: CLICK HERE
Anchorage Fire Department: CLICK HERE
Anchorage Fire Department Checklist: CLICK HERE

Space Assignments

Vendor spaces are 10’ wide by 20’ deep (includes concrete curb if any).
The above stated Vendor space dimensions constitute the base Contracted area provided to Vendor for a single-space Vendor Contract in the Anchorage Market. Vendors may request specific spaces in accordance with AMEI’s procedures and subject to AMEI’s right to assign different spaces. Space assignments are generally provided on a “first-come, first-served” basis, with preference given to prior calendar year Vendors who meet other criteria. Vendors requiring a space larger than the size stated above in the 2025 season may contract additional space in ten-foot wide increments. Space numbers and width of Contracted space are assigned by numbered markings on the concrete curb. Certain spaces, where space allows, will be up to 20 feet deep, measured from the black painted line. The space’s 20-foot depth will be marked by black painted lines on the parking lot’s surface. Questions regarding Vendor’s correct space placement should be brought to AMEI’s attention prior to the set-up of Vendor’s space. It is the Vendor’s responsibility to ensure that adequate space is Contracted for the size of canopy, trailer, structure and inventory to be used by Vendor. All of Vendor’s displays, activities and personnel must be held within the boundaries of the Vendor’s Contracted space. No item of any type may extend beyond the 20-foot mark as indicated by the black painted line or a height of less than 8-foot beyond the black painted line, for fire safety purposes. Vendors must recognize the Contract hold rights of other Vendors and not interfere with these rights by creation of sounds, odors or smells, infringement of space or other distractions that bother their neighboring Vendors.

AMEI will not allow “scamming” of the space assignment system. Vendors who rent two spaces or more on any day and a lesser number of spaces on the following day may not use the space left vacant on the following day. Vendors may not request that we leave a space open next to them and only pay for that space if another Vendor wants it. Vendors must Contract the amount of space they require without regard as to what spaces are open or not. Vendors must select on the Vendor Contract, the correct vendor category for their business. Scamming of the 501(c)(3) non-profit spaces or kids market spaces will result in immediate forfeiture of space and any paid funds, in addition Vendor will be responsible for paying the full standard amount for the space that was used.

Table spaces are available for rent. Each table space tent has the capacity to accommodate up to six 30-inch by 72-inch tables. Each table will be regarded as the rented space with a maximum space size of 72-inch wide by 60-inch deep; all rules and procedures listed within this Handbook will be applicable to a table space, the same as it will be for a standard space, except as noted here within.


2024 Vendors, defined as a Vendor named in a 2024 Vendor Contract who fully performed the terms of the Vendor Contract for the 2024 season, may register for the 2025 Anchorage Market commencing immediately upon release of the 2025 Anchorage Market Handbook, and shall do so by delivering to AMEI by the established deadline, by online submission, the following required items:

  1. A fully executed 2025 Vendor Contract, filled in with all required information other than the space designation(s); and
  2. Payment in full, as appropriate, of the total rent due for the entire term of the Vendor Contract as calculated in the Vendor Contract or an extended payment option. Vendors selecting a monthly payment plan must make a non-refundable deposit of not less than $400.00 at time of signing (food Vendor’s minimum non-refundable deposit of not less than $600.00). Non-refundable deposits will be applied as a payment to Vendors total Contracted balance.

For 2024 Vendors to be given preference in the assignment of 2025 spaces, the Vendor Contract must be returned to AMEI. (using the above procedure) by 3:00 PM ADT on November 15, 2024. AMEI will recognize only Vendors who have a Vendor Contract in their name. Workers, employees, contractors, or volunteers will not in any way be included in any preference group unless they obtain a separate Vendor Contract bearing their name. Vendor Contract must be in an individual’s name.


Spaces will be assigned to the following groups of 2024 Vendors, who apply by the November 15, 2024, 3:00 PM deadline, in order of preference. Deadline is recognized as the date the application and appropriate deposit are received by AMEI Vendor Handbooks and Vendor Contract will be emailed to all Vendors who participated in the 2024 season.

Group 1 2024 Vendors who Contracted space for 15 or more Saturdays and 15 or more Sundays and actively operated their space for at least 14 Saturdays and/or Sundays and who wish to Contract space for at least, 15 Saturdays and 15 Sundays in the 2025 Anchorage Market regular season (18 Saturdays and Sundays). Vendors requesting their space will be assigned in the same order that original Anchorage Market Vendor Contract was received. Excluding Non-profit and Kids Market Vendors.

Group 2 2024 Vendors who Contracted space for any part of the 2024 Anchorage Market season (18 Saturdays and 18 Sundays) and who wish to Contract space for at least 15 Saturdays and 15 Sundays in the 2025 Anchorage Market regular season (18 Saturdays and Sundays) and Vendors who Contracted 15 Saturdays and/or 15 Sundays in the 2024 season but did not participate in at least 14 Saturdays and/or Sundays. Booths assigned in order of receipt of application. Excluding Non-profit and Kids Market Vendors.

Group 3 New Vendors who wish to Contract space for at least 15 Saturdays and 15 Sundays in the 2025 Anchorage Market regular season (18 Saturdays and Sundays). Booths assigned in order of receipt of application. Excluding Non-profit and Kids Market Vendors.

Group 4 2024 Vendors who Contracted space for any part of the Anchorage Market season and who wish to Contract space for any part of the 2025 Anchorage Market season (18 Saturdays and 18 Sundays). These Vendors will be given preference based on the most Saturdays and/or Sundays Contracted and will be assigned space after March 1, 2025, or when appropriate space becomes available, whichever is earlier. Excluding Non-profit and Kids Market Vendors.

Group 5 New Vendors, who were not 2024 Vendors, may apply and be assigned space after groups above have been assigned. A Group 5 Vendor may also be a 2024 Vendor who does not apply for 2025 space by the November 15, 2024 deadline for preference assignments. Group 5 will be given preference based on the most Saturdays and/or Sundays committed and by space availability. These Vendors will be assigned space after March 1, 2025 or when appropriate space becomes available, whichever is earlier. Excluding Non-profit and Kids Market Vendors.

Group 6 Due to the steeply discounted and/or free space, Non-profit Vendors and Kids Market Vendors will be assigned a space as space allows. These vendors will be assigned a space no less than 7 days prior to the requested date or dates.

Note: Vendor space assignment is not a guarantee of space location. Space location may change at the discretion of AMEI. Space assignments may change for many different reasons but the most common reason for a space location change is due to another vendor Contracting more days and/or weekends. This decision is generally made in the best interest of Anchorage Market customers by keeping the Market as “full” as possible on every day the Anchorage Market is open. For this reason, Vendors are encouraged to participate in both days on any given weekend.

Space Selection

AMEI may assign space in accordance with the above procedures.

Vendors may request to move to another available open space after the season has commenced should they not be satisfied with their assigned space, a fee of $25 applies to every space assignment change, per assigned date. For example: if Vendor requests to change assigned spaces for 2 Saturdays and 1 Sunday, the space change fee will be $75 because Vendor has requested a total of 3 space assignment/date changes.

AMEI will assign Vendor to any available space for the dates requested. If a space is not available for the date requested, Vendor will have the option to change their requested date to a date which has space available.

Date Changes

Vendor may request to change their Contracted date or dates to another date or dates provided that the new date request or requests have space available for the Vendor. If the new requested date or dates have space available, a fee of not less than $25 will be added per date change, to the Vendors’ invoice and must be paid in full prior to any date or dates change being made. Example: If a vendor requests to change a Saturday, a Sunday and another Saturday then a fee of not less than $75 must be paid before the date changes will be made.

If a Vendor is unable to occupy the Contracted rental space on any given Saturday or Sunday, Vendor is required to contact the Anchorage Market Manager prior to 8:00 AM of the Contracted day that Vendor will be absent.

Date change requests received within 15 calendar days of the originally scheduled date will not be made for any reason. In the event of a date change request from the Vendor, within 15 business days of the originally scheduled date, the originally scheduled date and all funds paid will be forfeited.

Food/Cooking Vendors

The number of Vendors allowed to sell food items intended for consumption at the Market will be limited to no more than 24 Food Vendors. It is in the best interest of the Market to have as wide a variety of quality food items as possible, available for Market customers. New Food Vendors, will be selected solely by AMEI, giving preference to those Vendors who offer new and desirable food products. More information regarding Food Vendors is contained in the Food Vendor Supplement below. Food Vendors selling from a tent or fabric canopy will be provided with a space 10-foot wide by 20-foot deep and may not for any reason, cook under or within 10-feet of their tent fabric. Food Vendors selling from a food trailer/vehicle will be provided with a space 10-foot wide by 20-foot deep. Additional Food Vendor space width may be purchased in 10-foot wide increments.

Deadline for Rent Payments

Payment in full of the entire rental charge due for the entire Vendor Contract must be paid upon signing of the Vendor Contract. A Vendor who Contracts 15 or more Saturdays and 15 or more Sundays may pay 25% of the Contracted amount upon signing of the Vendor Contract; 25% of the contracted amount on or before February 1, 2025; 25% of the contracted amount on or before April 1, 2025, and the balance in full on or before July 1, 2025.

Payment in full will be due upon signing of all Vendor Contract executed after November 15, 2024, except those who contract for 15 Saturdays and 15 Sundays or more, or those who have selected the monthly payment plan option. Vendors selecting the monthly payment plan must make a non-refundable minimum deposit of $400.00 at time of signing (Food Vendor’s minimum non-refundable minimum deposit of $600.00 at the time of signing).

No Vendor Contract will be accepted nor is a space assigned by AMEI until a signed Vendor Contract and appropriate payment are received by AMEI.

Monthly Payment Agreement

Vendors may request the monthly payment plan option. Vendor will pay an additional $10 per space, per contracted weekend for the monthly payment plan and payments will then be due by the 1st day of each month beginning on the first month of the Vendors signed contract and until the full amount of Vendor Contract has been paid or by August 1, 2025, or 4 weeks prior to Vendors last contracted Anchorage Market date; whichever comes first. Vendor must make a non-refundable minimum payment of $400.00 at time of Vendor Contract signing (Food Vendors non-refundable minimum payment of $600.00). All Vendors that request the Monthly Payment Agreement must ensure their full Vendor Contract amount is paid in full no later than August 1, 2025 or no more than 4 weeks prior to Vendors last contracted Anchorage Market date and that the Vendor has made the required monthly payment by the first day of each month. The monthly payment agreement requires that the vendor provide and maintain a minimum of two forms of electronic payment, to include both ACH and Credit Card payment methods.

Administrative Late Fee

Vendor is responsible for the timely payment of all money owed to AMEI. Collection of past due Vendor Contract amounts is a poor use of Anchorage Market Manager’s time and resources, these resources and time are better spent promoting the Market for the Market Vendor community. If something is preventing you from paying the amount due, contact AMEI and explain your situation and come to reasonable agreement as to when the amount will be paid prior to the conclusion of the 2025 Anchorage Market.

Any payment owed by a Vendor that is not made within five calendar days after its due date is subject to an administrative fee of $75.00. Vendor acknowledges that late payment by Vendor to Anchorage Market of any rent or other sums due will cause Anchorage Market to incur costs not contemplated by Vendor’s Vendor Contract, the exact amount of such costs being extremely difficult and impracticable to ascertain. Such costs may include processing and accounting charges, bookkeeping charges, labor, communication expenses, 3rd party billing, process servers, collections agencies, legal, postage, etc. The parties hereby agree that such administrative charge is not a penalty and that it represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs that Anchorage Market will incur by reason of such late payment. Additionally, all delinquent payments shall bear interest at the then legal rate of interest as established by Alaska law and Vendor shall pay such interest to Anchorage Market on demand. This administrative fee may be assessed again every 30 days after prior assessment if account is not brought up to date for any reason by Vendor .

Hell or High Water Agreement

Regardless of which payment plan a Vendor selects, come hell or high water, the full amount of that Vendor Contract, including any appropriate fees, must be paid in full. No refunds, credits or discounts will be made except as detailed elsewhere in this Vendor Handbook and/or Vendor Contract. Failure to pay the full balance of the Vendor Contract when due will result in a collections account being opened against the Vendor. In addition, if the full balance of the Vendor Contract is not paid in full when due, the Vendor’s Alaska PFD be may garnished until the Vendor Contract balance is paid in full.

Refunds of Pre-Paid Rent

For all Vendor Contracts signed on or before November 15, 2024; AMEI will retain 25% of the Vendors’ Contracted balance and refund all other pre-paid amounts, for any reason, so long as Anchorage Market Manager receives written request for refund on or before November 15, 2024.

Non-refundable deposits will not be refunded for any reason, at any time.

No refunds will be made thereafter, except as noted in the Vendor Contract.

Natural Disaster

If the Anchorage Market is cancelled, rescheduled, postponed or relocated due to circumstances caused by a natural disaster such as flooding, wind, tornadoes, earthquakes, fire, smoke, disease, by government mandate or regulation, we will re-render any Vendor Contracts and paid funds to the new Anchorage Market dates and location or to the next years Anchorage Market. This policy does not include event cancellations for personal, health, beliefs, or financial reasons related to Vendor.

Rentals and Space Fee Schedules

A fee schedule for rentals and space will be established prior to each Anchorage Market season. Separate or additional fee schedules may be established for other categories, including:

  • Certified Alaska Grown products Vendors selling only fresh, unadulterated products
  • Exclusive “multi-level franchise” lines, e.g. LuLaRoe, Tupperware, etc.
  • Exclusive rights to sell Anchorage Market logo items
  • Non-profit organizations and Anchorage area youth groups
  • Food Vendors
  • Alaska area children under the age of 16
  • Vendor amenities

Base rental charges (standard rates) for all Vendors shall be determined by the number of Market days covered by a single Vendor Contract and shall be in the following amounts per space per weekend:

Appropriate rate above is determined by number of Saturdays and Sundays reserved within one Vendor Contract and is not cumulative during the season when multiple Vendor Contracts are signed. The above 2025 Standard Day Rates will be used to calculate rent for all contracts signed on or after August 1, 2024, for the 2025 season. Food vendor fees will include placement of picnic table in the Anchorage Market area and unlimited water use as well as limited waste removal service during the 2025 season.


Additional rental charges are due based on certain variables. These charges are in addition to the above base

rental charges. The following variables affect the additional rental charges: premium location spaces, amenities, Alaska Grown Discount, non-profit organizations, kid’s market spaces, restricted sales and exclusive product sales.

Food Vendor Fee

Vendors selling food or beverage products, which are reasonably determined by AMEI, in its sole discretion, to be generally for consumption at or near the point of sale, will be required to pay a food fee that is built into the food space Vendor Contract rate. If food rates are not included in the Vendor Contract, Vendor agrees that they shall not sell or allow to be sold or given out free, from their Contracted Vendor space, such food or beverage products except where allowed elsewhere in this Handbook. Violation shall be a breach of the Vendor Contract by Vendor and AMEI shall have the immediate right to terminate the Vendor Contract and exercise other remedies available.

Home-baked goods and prepackaged cottage foods that are deemed by the Municipality of Anchorage health department to be of no or low risk may be sold at Anchorage Market and will not be regarded as a food space. Only designated food spaces may sell beverages of any kind.

Subleasing and Sharing

The subleasing of vendor space(s) is strictly prohibited. Only the Vendor appearing on the original Anchorage Market Vendor Contract may occupy the assigned space at any given time. Vendors requiring the assistance of business partners or family members to operate their assigned space(s) must receive permission from AMEI prior to the beginning of the Market day.

Sharing of space is permitted so long as the AMEI is made aware of the request to share the space by the Contracted Vendor in writing. Further, the vendor requesting to share the space must complete a Vendor Contract and pay a $60 fee per Contracted day.

Tables Space

AMEI will make available each Market day a set-up tent or tents reserved for Alaskan crafters where the Alaskan crafter or members of their immediate family may sell products that they have made themselves or Alaskan authors who are selling books that they or members of their immediate families have written. Each crafter or author will be provided one 30-inch-wide by 72-inch-long table in the tent to display and sell their merchandise or books. Rates for use of the table on Saturdays and Sundays are the same as if the Vendor were renting a booth space without tent and table.

AMEI will strive to have table spaces ready for occupancy by 9AM each Market day.

Any damages to Vendor’s products or other items is the sole responsibility of the Vendor. If side walls are attached to the tent, opening of the tent sides to avoid wind damage to tent will be at the sole discretion of AMEI and occupants should take actions to protect their property and personal safety. Vendors may not use any type or form of adhesive to include tape, to adhere anything to the provided tent, tent poles, tables, or any other of AMEI’s property for any reason.

Tent & Equipment Rentals

AMEI will supply, set-up and take-down a 10-foot by 10-foot tent for an additional $85 per single day or $95 per two-day weekend if reserved in advance. Day of use rentals are $95 per single day and $105 per two-day weekend. Included will be a minimum 60-pound weight on each leg of the tent, 10-foot by 10-foot tent frame and canopy, AMEI staff will setup and take down the tent. Price does not include space rental fees, side walls, tables or chairs. A limited number of tents are available. AMEI staff will endeavor to have all rental equipment setup and ready for Vendor by 8:30am on each contracted Market day.

10-foot sidewall rentals are available for $20 per weekend/per sidewall.

Table rentals are available for $10 per day.

Chair rentals are available for $5 per weekend.

Any damages to Vendor’s products remain the sole responsibility of the Vendor.

Anchorage Market Manager does not loan tents or sidewalls.

Vendors may not use any type or form of permanent or temporary adhesive to include tape, to adhere anything to the provided tent, tent poles, tables, or any other of AMEI’s property for any reason. If Vendor is found to be in violation of this policy, a cleaning fee of not less than $100 will be due immediately, Vendor agrees to pay this cleaning fee come hell or high water.

Premium Space Areas

The additional rental charge for Contracted space in the Anchorage Market, in a premium location is charged at a flat rate of $800.00 per season.


Generators are allowed in the Anchorage Market area with prior written approval. Generators are limited to only certain areas of the Anchorage Market area due to noise pollution and odors. Vendors must use only generators with the lowest possible noise decibel levels, under 60 decibels, while in use.

Generators must:

  • Be located a minimum of 10’ feet from cooking operation, fuel source, tents (yours and your neighbors), trailers (yours and your neighbors) and buildings unless permanently attached to the trailer.
  • Permanently attached generator must be at least 18-inches from fuel source and propane containers.
  • All generator exhaust must be pointed away from propane, people, structures and combustibles.

Outdoor rated extension cords and surge protectors of adequate length are the responsibility of Vendor and must be the three wire/grounded type commercial type water resistant (essential for safety), as short as possible to reach from appliance to generator with little or no extra cord, and of #12 conductor, 3 wires with ground wire. Bare or exposed wire is unacceptable, may not be used and must be replaced immediately. Electrical cords must be protected and covered to prevent any possibility of tripping by any persons.

Returned Payment Fee

Beginning in 2019, Anchorage Market Manager no longer accepts check payments.

If the Vendor’s financial institution for any reason returns a Vendor’s payment, a fee of $45.00 will be assessed and added to Vendor’s invoice. This fee and the payment amount must be paid in cash, money order or certified check to AMEI within five calendar days and prior to Vendor’s entry to another Anchorage Market day.

Nonprofit Organizations

Space permitting, AMEI each Market day will have available for local nonprofit organizations that are designated as such under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) and provide appropriate documentation of this status, a single space for use by the approved nonprofit organizations to conduct their business. Tents, tables, and chairs are not included. Nonprofit organizations should use this space for a minimum of three weekends (Saturday and Sunday) during the Market season. Space will be assigned by AMEI based on, in their sole discretion, the best and highest use for the community good. Community health projects will have priority. A rate of $25 is available for approved nonprofit organizations, per weekend (two consecutive days). This weekend rate continues to be available for the first three weekends Contracted by the nonprofit organization. Due to the steeply discounted space, Non-profit Vendors will be assigned a space as space becomes available. These vendors will be assigned a space no less than 7 days prior to the requested date or dates.

Local nonprofit organizations that Contract a space for more than three weekends will be offered a 50% discount on regular Market prices. Anchorage Market operates 36 days in the 2025 regular season (18 Saturdays and Sundays).

No beverages may be sold or given away in the nonprofit space. Food products may only be sold upon approval by the AMEI, prior to the date of sale and with required permit or approval to sell by the Anchorage health department. Nonprofit organization agrees to have booth open and staffed during Anchorage Market open hours.

Kids Market

Space permitting, AMEI each Market day will have available for local area children under the age of 16, a single space for use by the approved youth to conduct their business. Tents, tables, and chairs are not included. Kids Market participants should use this space for a minimum of three weekends (Saturday and Sunday) during the Market season. Space will be assigned by AMEI based on, in their sole discretion, the best and highest use for the youth entrepreneur. Due to the steeply discounted space, Kids Market Vendors will be assigned a space as space becomes available. These vendors will be assigned a space no less than 7 days prior to the requested date or dates.

Kids Market Vendors that Contract a space for more than three weekends will be offered a rate of $25.00/per weekend. Anchorage Market operates 36 days in the 2025 regular season (18 Saturdays and Sundays).

No beverages may be sold or given away in the Kids Market space. Food products may only be sold upon approval by the AMEI, prior to the date of sale and with required permit or approval to sell by the Anchorage health department. Kids Market participant agrees to have booth open during Anchorage Market open hours.

Exclusive Product Sales

Exclusive rights to sell on a Contracted space a national multi-level franchise product, e.g. Mary Kay, Avon, Tupperware, Lip Sense, etc. may be granted to one Vendor in the Anchorage Market for the season. Franchise line exclusivity is $300.00 per season for exclusivity on Saturdays and Sundays; exclusivity is based on franchise name, not product type. Vendor is obligated to have available for purchase or order multiple items for which exclusive rights were purchased on each of at least 15 Saturdays and 15 Sundays during the Anchorage Market season and must be able to document such performance. Exclusivity will not be granted or sold for brand name consumer products.

Rights to sell national multi-level franchise products will be granted on a “first-come first-served” basis by product, except that grandfather rights will be recognized for Vendors who held these rights in 2024 and completely fulfilled their contract. Exclusivity agreements must be signed and paid before March 1, 2025. AMEI will make known to all Vendors that an exclusivity agreement for these products has been signed. Vendors, other than the Vendor purchasing the exclusivity rights, may not display, advertise, or sell those products in their booth.

Attendance and Punctuality

All Vendors must check-in by 9:00 AM each Market day Contracted; check-in is completed when Vendor occupies their Contracted space no later than 9:00 AM each Contracted Market day. Vendors must be open for business by 10:00 AM on each Contracted Anchorage Market Saturday and 11:00am on each Sunday. Space or table reservations and any monies paid for that Anchorage Market day shall be forfeited in the event a Vendor arrives at any time after 9:00 AM unless prior arrangements have been made and approved in writing by AMEI. Vendors arriving late must immediately check-in with the AMEI staff and will be moved to the top of any stand-by waiting list and assigned any available space at no additional charge. In the event that a Vendor will be absent from the Market, Vendor may select another Saturday or Sunday, so long as Vendors provides advance written notice to the Anchorage Market Manager prior to 7:00 AM of the Contracted day to be missed, up to one time. Date change requests will incur a $25 processing fee per changed date.

No vehicle will be allowed to enter the Anchorage Market area after 9:00 AM. For the safety of Vendors and marketgoers, all vehicles must be out of Anchorage Market area by 9:15 AM. If AMEI has not re-assigned a late arriving Vendor’s space, the late arriving Vendor may occupy the space, but cannot drive a vehicle in the Anchorage Market area.

Once a late-arriving Vendor receives a space, they may then hand cart, carry their items to their assigned booth space. NO vehicles are allowed in Market at this time. Vendors may bring their own carts and helpers.

Stand-by Vendors are required to follow the same rules as other Vendors and should be familiar with their Vendor Contract and Vendor Handbook. Upon mutual agreement, stand-by Vendors may be assigned a space that is less than the standard 10-foot-wide by 20-foot-deep space with no adjustment in rates.

Opening and Closing Anchorage Market

AMEI reserves the right to shorten any Anchorage Market day by minutes or hours, to allow Vendors to leave due to inclement weather (or for other reasons) while keeping the Anchorage Market open, to close the Anchorage Market, and to close Anchorage Market and then reopen it. The decision to do so rests with AMEI during each Anchorage Market day.

Vendors’ rights in such events shall be those set forth in their Vendor Contract and as set forth in this Handbook which is itself part of each Vendor’s Contract. The decision of AMEI shall be final.

In making this decision, the AMEI may be guided by considerations of convenience, weather or the like, and the decision may – but is not guaranteed to – facilitate or contribute to the health, safety or welfare of Vendors, their agents, servants, employees, guests, invitees, customers and others. Notwithstanding the fact that AMEI has the discretion to so act, AMEI does not, by doing so, undertake to protect the health, safety or welfare of such persons; the responsibility for doing so lies solely and exclusively with the Vendor.

Market Hours

Vendors are required to be open for business – rain, shine, or wind – during Anchorage Market hours unless prior arrangements have been made with AMEI in writing. The Anchorage Market shall be open to the public during the hours of 10:00 AM through 6:00 PM local time each Anchorage Market day on Saturdays as well as 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM local time each Anchorage Market day on Sundays. AMEI will attempt to communicate with Vendors in writing regarding an exception to this policy. Vendor agrees to operate the Contracted space continuously during these Market hours each Anchorage Market day that has been Contracted. Prior planning, with respect to weather and inventory, is essential. Vendors should plan for inclement weather by having ready for use a waterproof shelter, weights, and other equipment necessary for operation during bad weather. AMEI does not rent or sell tents or weights except as listed earlier in this Handbook.

Parking and Access

Vendors may arrive at the Anchorage Market as early as 7:00 AM on Market days and remain until 7:30 PM on Saturdays and Sundays to set-up and takedown. Vendors specifically agree that they shall have no right of access to the Contracted space prior to the commencement or after the expiration of the stated term, for any purpose.

The first three hours (from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM) and the last one and one half hours (from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM Saturdays or 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM Sundays) shall be used for set-up and takedown of the Vendor’s equipment, furniture and other personal property. Vehicle access to and from the Contracted space shall be restricted to the period of 7:00 AM to 9:15 AM (Note: All Vehicles must enter the Market area prior to 9:00 AM) and from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Saturdays or from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM Sundays, or at AMEI’s discretion. All gates will be closed by 7:30 PM each Saturday of the Market season. Parking after 7:30 PM Sundays is not allowed.

At no time will anyone block any portion of any public roadway, tour bus lane or Anchorage Market entrances/exits.

Vendors will use extreme caution in moving vehicles; maximum speed limit in the Market area is 3 mph, when safe. Any vehicle that is specifically authorized in writing to remain on the Contracted space during the term of the Vendor Contract must sit entirely within the Contracted space. Vehicles are not permitted in the Anchorage Market area except as provided herein. All Vendors may use vehicles during set-up and takedown hours. Traffic in the Market area is all one-way from West (E Steet) to East (3rd Ave/C Street). Vendors who find they are in the wrong Market aisle should exit the Market area at the East exit and reenter at the West entrance. It is the Vendor’s responsibility to ensure all family members, contractors and booth employees are aware of Anchorage Market rules and traffic patterns. Additional Vendor Handbooks are available from Anchorage Market website HERE.

Vendors are required to assist in facilitating efficient set-up and takedown by:

  • Parking their vehicle as close to booth as possible and leaving center aisle open for traffic to continue past.
  • Parking on the left side (North side) when unloading or loading between the hours of 7:00 AM and 9:15 AM and 6:30 PM and 7:30 PM Saturdays and from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM on Sundays to allow traffic to continue to move on the right.
  • Immediately upon arrival at space location, unloading vehicle and moving vehicle to the designated Vendor parking area prior to set-up of tent or space contents.
  • Not entering Market area to load at the end of the day until all merchandise, tents and other booth items are packed and ready to load.
  • Loading vehicle as safely as well as quickly as possible and immediately removing vehicle from the Market area.
  • Turning off vehicle while loading, unloading, or idling in traffic to assist in reducing noxious fumes and noise.
  • Not being overanxious about leaving the Market area after close of the business day. Vendors are required to be open for business until 6:00 PM Saturday and 5:00 PM Sunday.
  • Vehicles must be traveling South on E Street to be eligible to enter the West side of the Market area, to avoid congestion and gridlock. Vendors may not, for any reason enter the Market area from the South East or South West side of the Market from 3rd Ave. The proper entry to the Market is via a left turn from E Street. Wait your turn in line to enter the Anchorage Market area.
  • Reducing to a minimum the number of vehicles and trips taken into the Market area.

Vehicles and trailers may be used within Contracted area by Vendors during Anchorage Market hours only if they have a demonstrated need for the vehicle during Market hours, the vehicle or trailer fits within the Contracted area and Vendor has obtained the prior written approval of AMEI who will designate special placement designed to impose minimal impact on adjacent Vendors. This approval is usually limited to produce trucks and food trailers. Vendors grant AMEI the right to require Vendors to move, or to remove at Vendor’s sole cost and expense, any vehicle, equipment, furniture, or other property of any kind, which does not sit entirely within the Contracted space. Any emergency movement of vehicles during Market operating hours shall be completed only with approval and supervision of AMEI.

Use of Common Areas

Common areas are designed to provide enough open area for the common enjoyment of Anchorage Market visitors to pass from Vendor to Vendor without inconvenience or disruption. Accordingly, AMEI will endeavor to prevent individuals from congregating, soliciting, selling, promoting or in any manner interrupting, impeding, or interfering with the free and easy access of visitors as they attempt to visit Anchorage Market Vendors. Center of aisle may be used for sponsor and Market signs, tables, benches, decorations, refuse containers, recycling bins and the placement of raffle vehicles, snow machines, boats, etc. at the sole discretion of AMEI.

Roving entertainers, with prior approval of AMEI, may use open or common areas including the aisles. Entertainers may receive donations for their performances; however, if they provide a product (e.g. CDs or apparel) for sale, they must Contract a space from Anchorage Market. Another option is to arrange with the entertainment coordinator to perform on stage if a stage is available. Vendors who are inadvertently disturbed by the activities of roving entertainers must first politely converse their concerns with the entertainer, if the entertainer is not receptive of the Vendors friendly and polite conversation, then the Vendor is encouraged to contact AMEI for resolution of the problem.

Vendors should consider use of common areas for activities described above when requesting their space.

Hawking, making excessive noise, creating odors or scents, or other disruptive activities by Vendors to draw attention to their booth or products is not allowed in the Anchorage Market. All Vendor activity must be confined to the Vendor’s Contracted area and if music, sounds, or loud talk is audible from adjoining spaces, it should be addressed by the Vendor and if the matter is not resolved, it should then be reported to AMEI. AMEI will inform the offending Vendor that the noise is disruptive and whom it is disrupting, the offending Vendor must take immediate actions to lower the volume or eliminate the noise, odor or scents. No public address systems may be used in the Vendor space. If a vendor wishes to play family friendly music from their booth space, they may absolutely do so if the music has been approved by AMEI in writing and the Vendor has provided AMEI with enough time to notify all surrounding vendors in writing. The Market is a music friendly environment.

Clean Up

By the end of the term of the Vendor Contract each Contracted Anchorage Market day (7:30 PM Saturdays and Sundays), Vendors shall remove all equipment, furniture, other property and trash from the Contracted space and surrounding area and shall leave the Contracted space and surrounding area in good order and in broom swept condition. Vendor shall remove all trash from the Anchorage Market area, doing so is the sole responsibility of the Vendor. If items such as refuge, oil containers, zip-ties, broken mirrors, etc. are found to be left in a Vendor’s Contracted space, Vendor will be billed on time and materials, not less than $100.00 for the cleaning of the Vendor space.

In using the Contracted space, Vendor shall not damage the Contracted space or surrounding area or apply markings or other signs or things of any kind to the Contracted space and surrounding area. Vendor shall not intentionally or accidentally cause or allow any substance of any kind to be spilled, dropped, or placed upon or around the Contracted space, or surrounding area. No nails, screws, anchors, or any other items may be embedded into the asphalt or concrete of the parking lot.

No substance other than clear, clean water may be poured down the parking lot or street drains. Additional quantities of liquids should be removed from the Market area by Vendor and properly disposed of in an approved facility in accordance with good industry practice and Municipality of Anchorage regulations/ordinances. All oil and grease or shortenings must be removed from the Market area by Vendor.

Vendor shall be liable to AMEI for any and all costs incurred by AMEI in cleaning or removing or in causing to be cleaned or removed, any substance of any kind which is left upon the Contracted space, or surrounding area, or which is left upon areas around the Contracted space and which came to be upon the area around the Contracted space as a result of the actions or inaction of the Vendor, its agents, servants, employees, contractors, guests or invitees.

Waste Disposal

Vendors must supply a waste collection container for their use and for use by their customers. Each vendor is responsible for removing from the Anchorage Market Area; their own waste as well as any waste collected in their customer waste collection container. If vendor so chooses, vendor may rent from the AMEI, at NO COST a single 50-gallon waste container. Vendor must return the container or containers at the conclusion of the vendor’s final Contracted day for the 2025 Anchorage Market season. Vendor will be responsible for transporting the container to and from the Anchorage Market area for the duration of all Contracted weekends.

Signs, Display and Placement

All of Vendor’s equipment, furniture, items offered for sale or otherwise displayed and all other property of any kind maintained on the Contracted space during the term of Vendor Contract shall be clean, neat, attractive and presentable as determined in the sole discretion of AMEI, and shall be of a kind and character, the appearance of which is suitable for and consistent with the Anchorage Market mission statement and the intended atmosphere and use, as determined in the sole and absolute discretion of AMEI. No sign or other Vendor-owned item may be placed outside of the Contracted area’s boundaries at any time without prior written permission from AMEI. No going out of business, liquidation sale or similar signs are allowed.


AMEI may choose to supply or not to supply staff for the protection of its own premises, for the advancement of its own interests, and for the enforcement of AMEI’s decisions in a manner that avoids disputes or other breaches of the peace. AMEI staff personnel may incidentally observe and undertake to prevent disputes, breaches of the peace, or other violations of law related to Anchorage Market premises, rights, and interests. The fact that AMEI staff do so should not and will not be interpreted as a decision by AMEI to undertake full security for Anchorage Market.

Responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of Vendors, their agents, servants, employees, invitees, guests, and customers remain the sole and exclusive responsibility of Vendors. Should Vendors determine that security is necessary, they shall supply security at their own cost and expense. AMEI, its agents, servants, employees, or contractors will not be involved in incidences of theft or shoplifting.

Leaving Equipment and Merchandise Overnight

Vendors who participate in Saturdays and Sundays, and retain the same booth for both days, may leave their tent or shelter as well as any equipment in place with the understanding that it is left at the Vendor’s own risk and peril. All Merchandise and items of value must be removed from the Anchorage Market area and may not be left overnight. AMEI, its agents, servants, employees or contractors shall not be responsible for any Vendor losses or of damages to equipment or merchandise due to wind, temperature, fire, theft, vandalism or for any other reason. Vendors leaving items should be aware of the wind and weather considerations in the Market area and ensure that their tents and other items in their Contracted space are securely weighted with tent weights, no less than 70lbs per tent frame leg while in the Market area overnight.

No Vendor is allowed in the Market area from 8:00PM Saturday through 9:00 AM Sunday without express written permission from the Market Manager.

Advertising, Promotions and Special Events

AMEI will devise and implement an advertising and promotion program to encourage Anchorage visitors and residents to regularly participate in the festivities and shop at Vendor’s spaces as well as established Downtown merchant’s facilities. Quantity of advertising will be dependent upon available revenues from the rental of vendor spaces. Vendors are required to help promote Anchorage Market by displaying signs and posting on social media platforms the vendors location for the day or weekend.

Vendors are encouraged to attach a legible sign to their tent stating the name of the business. Compliance will help enhance the professional appearance of Anchorage Market. AMEI reserves the right in its sole discretion to approve all signage.

AMEI encourages all Vendors, merchants, and their employees to wear personalized nametags indicating their first name.

AMEI may make available for purchase by Vendors and the general public items of clothing, shopping bags, decals, stickers and other items that display the Anchorage Market logo.

Speakers Corner

Based on availability, and to the extent there is interest, AMEI will make available certain limited space for use by volunteer (uncompensated) speakers, debaters, or others making presentations, vocally, visually, or by handout, or those collecting signatures on topics of general community interest. Space granted for these activities will not conflict with, obstruct, or in any way impede uses by Vendors and Anchorage Market visitors. Such space shall be the exclusive space available for such use at the Anchorage Market. All parties making use of such space shall do so in a manner that is consistent with the Anchorage Market mission and the intended atmosphere and use. If such individuals are being compensated, they must request Contracted space in the dedicated promotional area. All petitions and gathering of signatures must be done only within one’s Contracted space or at Market entrances on non-Contracted property.

No Interfering Use

Vendor, its agents, servants, employees, invitees, guests, customers or other persons authorized by AMEI to use Anchorage Market area shall not use all or any portion of the Anchorage Market area in a manner which impedes, obstructs or interferes with any other Vendor’s Contracted space or any Vendor’s ability to conduct business operations from its Contracted space, or in a manner which impedes, obstructs or interferes with the free flow of pedestrian traffic throughout the Anchorage Market area.

All persons authorized by AMEI to use any portion of the Anchorage Market area whether pursuant to a Vendor Contract or otherwise, shall be bound by the provisions of this Handbook and the Vendor Contract.


Vendor agrees that they will not use their Anchorage Market space to advertise or promote another event that directly or indirectly competes with the Anchorage Market for customers and/or vendors on any of the current year’s Anchorage Market pre-scheduled dates. This is to say that the Vendor will not utilize their Anchorage Market space to encourage customers and/or fellow vendors to visit and/or participate in any other event which occurs on or during this year’s Anchorage Market pre-scheduled dates. Doing so takes away from the potential customers that may visit the Anchorage Market and customers that would support Anchorage Market vendors. For this reason we must protect the integrity of the Anchorage Market as well as the Anchorage Market Mission Statement by requiring that all Vendors agree to this non-compete agreement.

Release, Waiver and Agreement Not to Sue

Vendor releases and forever discharges Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. the Anchorage Market Manager, its agents, servants, employees and contractors and their successors in interest (hereinafter collectively referred to as “release”) from all actions, suits, claims, demands and damages of every kind and nature, including but not limited to those beyond the inherent risk of an outdoor Market, whether special, incidental, consequential or otherwise, mature or to mature in the future, arising out of or in any way connected with the relationship created by the Vendor Contract between Vendor and Alaska Markets & Events, Inc., Vendor’s occupancy and/or use of the Anchorage Market area or any portion thereof, or any acts, omissions, faults or negligence of release.

Vendor agrees not to sue the release for any of the matters release above. In the event Vendor breaches this agreement not to sue, release shall be entitled to recover their actual reasonable attorney’s fees and costs in defending against any action brought by Vendor.

Logo Use

Alaska Markets & Events, Inc., is the owner of and claims copyright and trademark protection for the Anchorage Market logo and has the sole and exclusive right to use, market, license, and profit from use of the logo. Vendors wishing to use the Anchorage Market logo must apply in writing to AMEI.

Product Pricing and Competition

Pricing of goods sold at the Anchorage Market is solely the responsibility of Vendors. Competitive pricing is encouraged.

No exclusives are granted to any Vendor at Anchorage Market other than those addressed earlier regarding multi-level franchises and Food Vendors. It is likely that other Vendors will offer for sale items similar or identical to those sold by another Vendor, and often within proximity. It is the Vendor’s sole responsibility to ensure that their products are competitive in price, quality, and other criteria. Should a Vendor wish to move to another location to avoid a competitor, or for other reasons, AMEI will assist, provided that an open space is available where requested, and that the move is made the next contracted weekend or later, after the request is made.

Health and Regulatory Matters

Vendors and all other personnel authorized by AMEI to use all or any portion of the Anchorage Market area shall comply with any and all federal, state and local laws, statutes, enactments, rules, mandates and regulations of any kind or nature whatsoever in the use of Anchorage Market area. Vendors selling fresh or frozen fish shall also have copies of appropriate Municipality of Anchorage and/or State of Alaska permits and certificates.

All Vendors selling food product of any type are required to obtain a Municipality of Anchorage health permit. Further, food employees must have a current food handler’s card. Contact Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health & Human Services, Environmental Services Division, 825 L Street (Post Office Box 196650), Anchorage, AK 99519-6650. Call 907-343-4815 for more information. Copies of current Municipality of Anchorage health department permits to operate in the Anchorage Market shall be upon request and posted as required.

Pets (animal, reptile or other) will be allowed in Contracted space or elsewhere in the Anchorage Market area provided they are securely caged or leashed within the Vendor’s Contracted space. The public can bring pets, on leashes, into the Market area, provided they are in compliance with Municipality of Anchorage Code Title 17. Owners agree to immediately remove aggressive animals and clean up after their pets. Live animals may not be sold in Anchorage Market without prior approval of AMEI and proof of compliance by Vendor with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and licensing requirements.


Vendor agrees to maintain a current and annually tagged 2A10BC fire extinguisher on Vendor’s Contracted space at all times. Further, Vendors will be responsible for ensuring their tents, tables, inventory and other items located in their Contracted space area are securely anchored with weight bags or bricks weighing at least 70 pounds on each leg of a tent in case of wind gusts or other inclement weather conditions. Vendors remain solely responsible for any damages caused by items within their Contracted area (including table spaces) or by their vehicles while in the Market area and are required to obtain liability insurance – enough to cover such potential damages. Vendors agree to keep any open flame a minimum of three feet away from combustible material(s) including canopy or covering, and to conform to all fire safety requirements, laws and regulations.


Anchorage Market Manager requires that each Vendor has insurance prior to their first day at Anchorage Market a minimum of $1,000,000.00 general and product liability insurance that names Alaska Markets & Events, Inc. as additional named insured directly on the COI. We suggest that Vendors inform their insurance broker of all activities they will engage in during the policy period, as other events may be included under the same policy. In recent years, several of the home owner or apartment renters’ policies allow for riders to include this insurance requirement at less expense than purchasing the policy individually will cost.

Should you hire employees, including family members, the state and federal governments require you to carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance, pay into state and federal unemployment insurance funds, withhold and pay employees’ federal income taxes and pay into Social Security and Medicare funds. Your liability insurance broker can likely help you with the Worker’s Compensation Insurance. The other requirements are handled by IRS or U.S. Department of Labor. To go without these mandatory items is illegal. Should an employee have an accident or make a claim, it can put all your assets at risk, and it is illegal for you not to have proper insurance or fail to withhold and/or pay payroll taxes. Employees 17 years old or younger are restricted in what duties they may perform and what hours they can work. Contact Alaska Department of Labor for details.

Product Restrictions

AMEI currently reserves the option of not Contracting space to Vendors whose activities or products do not assist in fulfilling the Anchorage Market mission as determined at AMEI’s sole discretion. The right to establish categories and quality standards for items to be sold at Anchorage Market is reserved to the AMEI. Only new items or items determined by AMEI to be authentic antiques or collectibles generally recognized as valuable among a broad base of collectors can be sold at the Anchorage Market. Sale of used paperback books is not allowed. Sale of pull-tabs or “rippies” or lottery tickets is prohibited. Sale of raffle tickets is limited to non-profit organizations who possess a State of Alaska gaming permit, operate all aspects of the raffle themselves and limit sale to persons 18 years of age or older.

Vendors who have not paid food space fees may not sell or give away any food or beverage for onsite consumption except that Vendors may sell cookies, other baked goods and prepackaged Cottage foods, with permission of the Anchorage health department. Vendors may give away samples of food or beverages in portions of one-fourth ounce (1/4 ounce) or less provided that the items and dispensing methods have been approved by the Anchorage health department, that the item(s) dispensed is compatible with Anchorage Market Sponsorship agreements and does not compete with our Food Vendors. AMEI will be sole judge of what is appropriate.

Vendors acknowledge that they will not display, promote for sale illegal drugs, illegal drug paraphernalia, air guns, BB guns, water guns, paintball guns, paintball supplies; fireworks, stink bombs, poppers; violent, dangerous, lethal martial arts items; lewd, erotic or pornographic material or displays; or engage in or promote loud, disruptive or boisterous behavior. Sale of knives, swords or non-lethal martial arts weapons to persons under the age of 18 is prohibited and Vendors selling these items must display a sign provided by Vendor indicating that sales to persons under the age of 18 is prohibited by Market policy.

AMEI may enter into sponsorship agreements with various companies or organizations that include restrictions on what brand of products may be sold at Anchorage Market, e.g., soft drinks, potato chips and similar items. Vendors agree to abide by these sponsorship agreements as a condition of their contract providing such notice is given at least 30 days in advance of a Market date.

Policy Exception

AMEI has the authority in its sole discretion to grant exceptions to Anchorage Market policies on an individual basis. Suggested improvements or changes to existing policy may be made in writing and emailed to AMEI. AMEI will review policy changes and up to a month may be required for a response.

Change of Address or Telephone

Vendors are required to notify AMEI by email of any changes to Vendors current address, telephone numbers and email address.


Where verbal direction or policy may be interpreted to conflict with the Vendor Contract, the Vendor Contract and written policies shall be the prevailing authority.

Anchorage Fire Regulations for Vendor Tent and Membrane Structures


Tent: A structure, canopy, enclosure, or shelter with or without sidewalls or drops, constructed of fabric or pliable material supported by any manner except by air or contents within.

Membrane Structure: An air-inflated, air supported, cable or frame covered structure.

All Vendors must follow Anchorage Fire Department Regulations. Vendors not in compliance will be required to close until Vendor is in compliance and verified by AMEI.

All tents, temporary membrane structures, cooking booths used for non-open flame cooking or warming of food shall be made of flame-resistive material in a manor approved by NFPA-701 with proper tag attached to tent fabric stating NFPA-701 compliance. Membrane structures or tents, including canopies, shall have a legible permanently affixed label meeting the flame propagation performance.

Open flame or other devices emitting flame, fire or heat, use of flammable liquids, gas, charcoal or cooking devices shall not be inside or located within 20 feet of a tent or membrane structure while it is open to the public unless approved by the fire code official and by the AMEI.

Every vendor must have a minimum of (1) current and tagged, type 2A10BC rated fire extinguisher.

Smoking shall not be permitted in tents, canopies, cooking booths or membrane structures or within the Anchorage Market area. “No Smoking” signs shall be conspicuously posted in each Vendor structure. No smoking including use of marijuana and electronic cigarettes is allowed inside the Anchorage Market area at any time.

Portable heaters are not permitted inside tents. Exception: Exterior heaters that are ducted into tents.

Tents or structures may not block access to hydrants, Fire Department Connections on any nearby buildings, nor required fire lanes.

Only outdoor rated electrical cords, power strips and power taps will be permitted, with attached manufacturers tag. Daisy chains of extension cords and power taps is not permitted. Indoor extension cords, power strips and power taps are prohibited.

All electrical cords must be inspected by Vendor for damage prior to use and replaced immediately if damaged by responsible Vendor.

Electrical cords shall be protected on walking surfaces and areas to prevent trip hazards and abrasion. Ensure you have proper electrical cord covers.

For more information and to ensure you are in compliance with all Anchorage Fire Department regulations, please contact Anchorage Fire Department at: Address: 4700 Elmore Rd, Anchorage, AK 99507 Phone: (907) 267-4900

Anchorage Market Food Vendor Supplement


We want to welcome you to the Anchorage Market. Great and memorable food is essential to our Anchorage Market’s success. We want to work with you for many years in developing an outstanding booth with a superb reputation and the best food of its kind in Anchorage and beyond. Meanwhile, it is as important to us as it is to you that your efforts are rewarded with a good profit and a hassle free, fun work environment.

Following in this supplement we will address the majority of the requirements or expectations of a Food Vendor that may not be fully covered in our Vendor Handbook. We will always leave a question unanswered, that’s just normal. We urge you to ask those questions early on before the opening of the season. Give us a text, send us an email, or stop us at the Anchorage Market. Likewise, if you encounter a problem at Anchorage Market, let us know what the problem is and how we can help resolve the issue.

Safety is our primary concern and that is reflected in our rules and requirements listed in this document. The Anchorage Market typically attracts many Marketgoers each season and a flash fire or food poisoning would be devastating. We work very closely with the Anchorage Fire Department (AFD) and the Anchorage Health Department (HHS) and fully expect that our Food Vendors do likewise.

Important Links


Each Food Vendor is allowed two semi-exclusive items for each Contracted Space.

Semi-exclusives help keep the variety and customer interest in our food court high and offer Food Vendors the assurance week to week that their product is not going to be unexpectedly duplicated by other vendors. Semi-exclusives also allow Food Vendors to intelligently plan the purchase of perishable food items.

You can change your menu. However, the change must be made known to and approved in writing by AMEI prior to implementation. In some cases we will require a sample of the new item you propose to sell at Anchorage Market. However, it is still up to the Vendor to compete by providing the highest quality product and service at a price that offers the consumer the best value. We will give much more consideration to the actual product rather than the name. Empanadas, sausages, kabobs and other items may sound the same but can be entirely different items due to ingredients and preparation techniques. AMEI will make the final decision as to what is deemed an appropriate product and what qualifies as a semi-exclusive.

Your Space

Food Vendors are required to contract for and participate in the entire weekend because many Food Vendors use trailers and elaborate apparatuses that would make constant change of set-up and tear-down procedures a nightmare.

In turn, we limit food vendors to 24 total vendors on any weekend and they are given product semi-exclusivity. Eating is the second most mentioned reason people attend Anchorage Market according to surveys (see and be seen is first) and it is in everybody’s interest that we have a large selection of food each day we are open to satisfy YOUR customers

Structure or Tent

To ensure your assigned space will be adequate for your needs, please let us know when you submit your Vendor Contract if you will be using a structure or trailer to operate from, fabric canopies are not permitted due to fire regulations. Food Vendors will be provided with a 10-foot wide by 20-foot deep unless additional vendor space width is contracted. No overhang is allowed. If using a trailer, send a photograph and/or a drawing as well as exact dimensions of the trailer including hitch/coupler, and indicate which end or side you will be serving from. All items associated with your Market operations must fit completely within your Contracted space, signs, tables, condiments, employees, POS equipment, etc.

Good Practices

You and your employees are a very visible and important component of Anchorage Market. It is essential that Food Vendors train their employees in good practices such as:

  • Maintaining foods at proper temperatures always: hot foods hot and cold foods cold
  • Fire Extinguishers at the ready always
  • Proper clothing for food service worker: clean garments, head covered, gloves when handling food
  • Disposing of grease, wastewater and trash by approved methods only
  • Washing hands with soap and water after any unsanitary task, i.e. handling money, going to the restroom, blowing nose, etc.
  • Controlling smoke or fumes generated in your space so they do not bother neighboring space or public – use a fan if necessary, to direct smoke
  • Smoking of tobacco, marijuana, vapors, etc. is prohibited in the Anchorage Market area
  • No children’s diaper changes in Food space

Coca-Cola of Alaska Sponsorship

We have an exclusive sponsorship agreement with Coca-Cola of Alaska mandating that all prepackaged beverages sold in the Market will be purchased DIRECTLY FROM COCA-COLA BOTTLING OF ALASKA. Food Vendors must place their beverage orders directly through the Anchorage Market with the provided order form. Our sponsor agreement requires that only plastic bottles of soft drinks, water, sports drinks, juices, teas and flavor enhanced water may be sold (20 oz plastic bottles only when available – no glass bottles allowed). Every Tuesday we will email each Food Vendor a Coca-Cola of Alaska order form listing size and price of the most common items eligible for sale in the Anchorage Market. Food Vendors may complete the order form by Wednesday at 1:00pm of each week.

All sales are Cash on Delivery.

Coca-Cola will provide upon request to each vendor at no charge one 2’ x 6’ banner and an insulated Coca-Cola ice barrel for chilling and displaying your beverages. The ice barrel must be returned at the end of the season, and a new one re-issued at the beginning of the following season. If none is returned, none will be issued next year. Banners need to be ordered by April 1, 2025 to be ready by opening day.

Vendor agrees to honor this sponsorship agreement with Coca-Cola of Alaska when you signed your Vendor Contract. We make it known to Vendors by inclusion in the Vendor Handbook, and conversations we have with prospective Food Vendors.

ALL food vendors must make available for sale in their space, at least 1 type of Coca-Cola bottled beverage at all times.

Any Vendor who chooses not to comply with this Coca-Cola agreement will immediately forfeit their right to sell beverages of any kind in Anchorage Market for the remainder of the 2025 season and must immediately remove from display and sale all beverage items, not just the products found to be in violation of the agreement.

Electrical Service

Vendors must supply their own outdoor rated extension cords and they must be a minimum of #12 gauge conductors, 3-wires with ground and marked for outdoor use and include an outdoor rated surge protector for each cord used. Cords must have 3 prongs intact. 50 AMP extension cords must be 6/3 & 8/1 gauge. Electrical cords must be protected on walking surfaces to prevent trip hazards and abrasion, and cords should be inspected by responsible vendor for damage and tested before use. Electrical cords must be free from frays, chips, cracks, or other damage, if a cord is damaged it must immediately be replaced with an undamaged cord.

All appliances must be in good working order and UL listed. Appliances not in good working order or not UL listed will not be allowed. Each appliance should have a name plate rating for power requirements. The UL certification is usually on this name plate. Should you need electrical service, it is necessary to find the plate on each of your electrical appliances and find their electrical needs in volts (120 usually); watts and/or amps. Be aware of the appliance’s electrical needs when you purchase them.


Generators are allowed in the Anchorage Market area with prior written approval. Generators are limited to only certain areas of the Anchorage Market area due to noise pollution. Vendors must use only generators with the lowest possible noise decibel levels, less than 65 decibels while in use.

Generators must:

  • Be located a minimum of 10’ feet from cooking operation, fuel source tents, trailers and buildings unless permanently attached to the trailer.
  • Permanently attached generator must be at least 18-inches from fuel source and propane containers.
  • Permanently attached generator exhaust must be pointed away from propane, people, structures and combustibles.

Permits & Licenses.

Alaska Business License – $50 per year and must be in the same name you are using in your space. Obtain from Alaska Department of Community, Commerce & Economic Development online at

Municipality Health Permit – Anchorage requires a health license and it is priced by the level of hazard that they perceive is presented by your product selection and other factors. Also, there must be a Food Protection Manager Certified in your space and all employees must obtain a Food Workers Card within 60 days of hire. Contact the Health Department (HHS) by calling 907-343-4063 or online at. This site contains valuable information and has all the forms for download that you will need.

Most Food Vendors will need the use of a licensed kitchen to use as their commissary. Should you have questions, you will find the Health Department staff very helpful. Normally, the Anchorage Health Department will inspect food spaces every weekend at random and often dressed as a customer. We work closely with them to correct any potential problems and encourage our Food Vendors to do likewise. The last thing any of us needs is a food borne illness traced to Anchorage Market. A roving license or some other special license may be available that will cover all your activities and overall cost much less than individual event licenses.

DEC Oversite – Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation cedes regulatory jurisdiction for food establishment inspections to the Anchorage Health Department. Normally, you will not need a permit or be inspected by DEC. However, DEC does have jurisdiction over dairy, fish and seafood products sold in Anchorage.

Anchorage Fire Department (AFD) – Several things have evolved over the years to make sure Anchorage Market is fire safe for our vendors and our many tens of thousands of customers. Be aware of the following requirements and make sure that you comply from the first day to the last.


Propane is a big concern and potential threat to Anchorage Market’s fire safety. The maximum amount of propane stored in your booth space should be the amount needed for one weekend (maximum 100# on site). Bottles must be securely held by sitting in a square case or strapped to a post, wall or specialty apparatus designed for this purpose. All propane appliances must have a 20’ or longer hose attached to ensure that your propane source (bottle) is at least 10’ from any open flame … yours or your neighbors… and does not create a tripping hazard in your space (some appliances with tanks designed in are exempt from 10’ rule). Design your space layout with this in mind. Tanks must be re-inspected every 5-12 years, see Exhibit A below. All equipment, hoses and connectors must be in good shape. Tight fitting lids must be available for all deep fryers and used in case of rain.

Fire Inspection Ready

Beginning in 2019, absolutely NO COOKING under or within 4-feet of a fabric canopy or sidewalls is allowed or permitted while inside the Anchorage Market area.


The Fire Inspector has advised that we may not allow you to open until you have met all AFD requirements.

AFD Mobile Food Vendors Handout and AFD Special Outdoor Events Policy for more details.

All food vendors are required to have a 2A10BC fire extinguisher that is currently certified (with current annual inspection tags).

A K-class fire extinguisher that is currently certified (with current annual inspection tags) is also required for all cooking that produces grease laden vapors.

At least one person in your space must have fire extinguisher training within the last two years and certification on file with the Market.

Your structure must be constructed of non-combustible materials in accordance with 2018 International Fire Code, fabric canopies are not allowed

LPG tanks must be at least 10-feet from ANY open flame; yours or your neighbors. LPG tanks are required to have a minimum 20-foot LPG hose to ensure the proper requirements can be safely met. LPG tanks must be in a milk crate, chained to a stable post or secured in place by some other approved method.

All food vendors are required to review the AFD Mobile Food Vendors Handout: CLICK HERE

All Food vendors are also required to review the AFD Special Outdoor Events Policy: CLICK HERE

Topics include: •All AFD regulationsAFD Inspection checklist* Event Guidelines

It is your responsibility to be in compliance with all 3 AFD documents.

*AFD Inspection checklist MUST be completed every day and remain available in your space at all times while at the Anchorage Market. For this reason, we highly recommend downloading and saving the document to your mobile device.

All food vendors must also review and ensure they meet all safety standards shown on Exhibit B and Exhibit C below.


We suggest you call the Fire Marshal’s office @ 267-4911 or ( for guidance as to what will be appropriate for your space. Anchorage Fire Department, 4700 Elmore Road, Anchorage, AK 99507. AFD’s website is found HERE.

Any appliance in your space that could be tipped over must be restrained and protected while being located at least 3 feet from combustibles. Some appliances may need more spacing and should be discussed with Anchorage Fire Department before use. Appliances must be placed on noncombustible materials such as metal.

Only flame-resistant materials that are clearly marked meeting NFPA-701 standards can be used inside of or for the structure. Use of sterno cans is restricted to a noncombustible cover on the table where sterno is present.

Anchorage Fire Department requires that each Food Vendor always have present in the space at least one employee who has completed within the last two years an approved fire extinguisher training course. The person’s certificate must be present in the space whenever Food Vendor is operating. This course is available online, takes about one hour. Make sure you save your filled-out certificate of completion. CLICK HERE for one of many available online training courses available to you. Once you have completed your training please email your completion certificate to

Clean Up

Each Food Vendor is responsible to make sure your Contracted space is left in a state of high cleanliness each Market day. Upon conclusion of each weekend’s Anchorage Market, each vendor is responsible for ensuring their Contracted space is left in broom swept condition, please see the Vendor Handbook for more details. The biggest problem in the past has been grease and oil spills left on the asphalt. We recommend that Food Vendors use non-combustible materials to prevent grease and oil from getting on the asphalt. Any spilled grease or oil must be completely cleaned up before you leave. If not, we will call out or hold over a crew and clean it up at YOUR cost. Our minimum oil spill cleanup fee is $275. We are not in the grease or oil cleanup business and hope that you will plan and make sure that this is not a problem.



Vendors must supply a waste collection container for their use and for use by their customers. Each vendor is responsible for removing from the Anchorage Market Area; their own waste as well as any waste collected in their customer waste collection container. Vendors may for no reason dispose of waste in surrounding business dumpsters or waste containers. If vendor so chooses, vendor may rent from AMEI, at NO COST a single 50-gallon waste container. Vendor must return the container or containers at the conclusion of the vendor’s final Contracted day for the 2025 Anchorage Market season. Vendor will be responsible for transporting the container to and from the Anchorage Market area for the duration of all Contracted weekends.

Waste Water

Water that is contaminated in any way must be removed from the Anchorage Market area.

Clear water from your Coca Cola barrel may not be dumped on the asphalt as it may run into your neighbor’s space while they have items on the ground. We discourage the use of any chlorinated substances to clean in your space. Use only ecofriendly cleaning chemicals. Only clean clear water can be drained into the storm drains. If dumping clean and clear water into the storm drains, Vendor must ensure water is poured in front of a water filter, so than any unknown substances are removed from the water prior to the water entering the storm drains.

Potable Water

Potable water is available from the hose directly behind the restroom facility, behind our fence. This food grade tap is provided as a courtesy to vendors, if it is misused, the tap will be removed.

We have observed Food Vendors over 30+ years. The successful, long lasting ones have several traits in common:

Their product is the BEST of its kind in Anchorage or beyond;

  1. They have a small number of items to sell;
  2. They are ready when the customers are ready – they get up earlier and take care of their business and never miss a sale;
  3. They display their product to make it most appealing and decorate their booths, employees and selves to establish a brand;
  4. They have fun at Anchorage Market.

Helpful Contacts:

Yukon Fire Protection Services, Inc
Sales 563-3608

Suburban Propane
Sales 272-7581

ARG Industrial
Sales 562-2200

Coke Cola of Alaska/Odom Corp
Missed order on call 907-240-1456

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

AMEI Enforcement

These policies and rules have been created to ensure that the Anchorage Market is in compliance with all State of Alaska and Municipality of Anchorage regulations/ordinances as well as providing an experience that is fun, profitable and fair as possible for the Vendors, customers and staff of Anchorage Market. While AMEI will devote energy to enforcement of the provisions of this Handbook and the Vendor Contract, Vendors shall not hold AMEI or its agents, servants, employees and contractors responsible for any real or perceived lack of enforcement of such provisions. These policies and Vendor Contract provisions give AMEI the option but not the obligation of enforcement. The provision of each Vendor Contract and of this Handbook, which is incorporated into each Vendor Contract, bind the parties to each Vendor Contract and create and confer no rights or benefits in favor of any third party.

Thank you for reading through this Handbook. Our single goal is to ensure that the 2025 Anchorage Market season is safe, fun, and profitable for everyone involved. Thank you for being part of the Anchorage Market. We look forward to a successful, profitable, and fun 2025 season.

2025 Anchorage Market Important Dates

September 5, 2024 Vendor information available

November, 15 2024 Deadline for grandfather rights

February 01, 2025 25% due if 15 Saturdays and 15 Sundays or more are contracted

April 01, 2025 Deadline for food menu submission

March 01, 2025 Deadline for exclusive applications

April 01, 2025 25% due is 15 Saturdays and 15 Sundays or more are contracted

May 01, 2025 Have your 2A10BC and/or K-Class fire extinguisher inspected and tagged for 2025

May 10, 2025 First day of Anchorage Market

May 11, 2025 Mothers’ Day

May 26, 2025 Memorial Day

June 01, 2025 Final monthly payment plan payment due

June 01, 2025 25% due if 15 Saturdays and 15 Sundays or more are contracted

June 15, 2025 Fathers’ Day

July 04, 2025 Independence Day

September 01, 2025 Labor Day

September 7, 2025 Last day of Anchorage Market for 2025 season
